Person X had burritos for dinner!
Oh today's my friend's auntie's wedding anniversary!
Social media can bring along a lot of anxiety and a feeling of insufficiency for me; seeing young people (with the same age as myself) having their paths figured out, and some even already starting families of their own, makes me wonder if I am doing everything right, or if I am "doing enough."
I tend to forget, at times, that life does not have a standard timeline and each and every one of us has a unique story of our own.
My cousin bought new running shoes today!
That celebrity is going to the X
event tomorrow!
In addition, at times, I feel like a mere observer of others' daily lives, the information that is thrown at me on social media is not really helpful for me—not even relevant to me at all a lot of times—and scrolling on different apps feels like wasting time. As was the case above, putting my phone away helps in these situations too.
Also, it occurs to me sometimes that with the use of social media, I no longer appreciate the present moment, and my mind wanders to other places. To avoid this, I have been trying to put my phone completely out of reach, especially when I am having the opportunity to spend time with my family/ friends.

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